Prior to your visit
We want to make your journey as smooth as possible
What to expect before coming to QASMC
Once you and your specialist have decided to have your treatment at QASMC, your consultant will discuss the date and time of admission with you.

The important part
If you are attending the hospital as an outpatient you will need to bring a list of your current medications. These include prescribed medicines, over the counter medicines and any vitamin supplements or herbal remedies.
Upon arrival, our friendly reception staff will be on hand to welcome you, confirm payment arrangements and help with any non-clinical queries you may have. You will then be looked after by one of our nurses or consultants who will help you prepare for your procedure. A member of our medical team will ask you some questions so that everything relevant is known about your health, including your medical history. If you would feel more comfortable having a chaperone with you during medical consultations or treatments please let us know either before or during your visit, so this can be arranged.
Please make all clinical staff aware of any allergies that you have had at present or in the past. Your consultant should always be your first port of call if you have questions concerning your procedure. However, our clinical staff or our reception team may also be able to offer assistance. You can contact us on 0207 034 3301.
There may be restrictions on what you can consume in the lead up to your procedure; it is very important that you follow the instructions given by your consultant, if not, your operation may not be able to take place.
What to bring with you for your stay
- Pyjamas or night gown (if staying overnight)
- Any medication and drugs in original packets or inhalers that you are currently, or have recently been, taking.
- Any X-rays, crutches or braces that may be relevant.
- Glasses, lenses, hearing aids.
Personal toiletries.
- Please dress comfortably and casually in loose-fitting clothes. Wear as little make-up as possible, including false nails and nail polish.
- Children should bring a favourite toy.
- Details of your medical insurance (if applicable) including copies of any letters of authorization, pre-approval and your membership number.
- Patients are encouraged to leave valuables at home.
Valuables and personal items
We strongly advise you not to bring any valuables (including large sums of cash) into hospital with you.
You will be asked to remove all jewellery before going to the operating room so we encourage your support person to take these home for you.
If you are unable to send valuables home rooms have a lockable drawer, or your nurse will be able to lock items away in a secure place.
Please remember to ask your nurse to arrange for retrieval of these prior to your discharge.